
Myntrn Technology

Myntrn Technology having its registered office at Electronics city, Begur Main Road, No 240/3 Above Manya Dental Clinic, Bangalore-560068. The company was started on 2020 under MSME UDAYM-KR-03-0327242. Myntrn Technology provides total and cost-effective web solutions.

We have been around since 2020, and continue to be rated among the top web development companies with latest technology like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science , and Machine Learning Algorithm

Our extremely reliable services and support have earned us the reputation of the premiere web hosting solution providers.

Our team loves to work with start-ups, and had been instrumental in helping several young entrepreneurs establish successful internet ventures. Myntrn Technology focuses on the success of its customers. The team is not afraid to point out errors and omissions from the customer, and will direct our customer towards the most effective, quickest and cost efficient solution to handle their requirements.

    Get in touch with us today for more information on